Monday, May 4, 2009



‘桃李争春’这首歌加插了几句对白,很富挑逗性,开了白光之歌多有口白之先例。鼻音浓浓,半嗲半浊地,是白光的风格,也是她的长处,别人学不来。五十年代末,新马的低音圣手潘秀琼闯进香港歌坛,重唱了这首‘桃李争春’。编曲,运腔,技巧均算推陈出新,唯独念白没法追得上白姐。白光另外灌录的‘魂萦旧梦’‘假正经’‘我是女菩萨’‘相见不恨晚’都有或长或短的念白,颇具画龙点睛之妙,显示白光的天赋。这是她的拿手好戏,别人要学不容易。后辈中仅‘睡美人’叶枫得其一二,有些翻唱 ‘魂萦旧梦’的,根本连念白的那一段都省略了,无他,藏拙也。


说也奇怪,戏码改了‘桃李争春’,歌却没照旧的来唱,反而是跟了另一首旧歌 ‘桃花江’的旋律。这一首主题曲由李湄,叶枫领导男女声合唱,够热闹的。但灌成唱片时,只由叶枫唱出。叶枫在‘歌迷小姐’里唱了‘我有个好家庭’,在‘桃李争春’里演歌星,从南洋初到香港,被邀上台献上一首‘好地方’。这首歌是旧瓶新酒,几首旧的旋律拼成一首新歌,听起来却也蛮顺耳的。此外,还有一首很轻快流行的‘好预兆’,在叶枫歌曲中凑成一个‘好’的系列。

李湄在片中也是歌星,当然也有好些歌要唱,可惜,电懋没用她本人来唱,而是请了韦秀娴幕后代她唱。其实,这是大大的失策,因为李湄也录过唱片,水准差不到哪里去。戏里的几首歌,绝对难不倒她。而最可笑的是,后来百代灌录片中插曲时,竟然找回李湄去唱。这两首插曲就是被称为李湄招牌歌的 ‘卖馄饨’,还有一首‘多情世界’,是李湄录得比较出色的两首歌。后来,她携‘野火’南来随片登台,也多数在台上表演‘卖馄饨’这个载歌载舞的项目。

‘桃李争春’里有一首歌是李湄和叶枫分别独唱的,歌名叫‘我爱你 ’。李湄唱的是慢板,而叶枫唱的是恰恰节奏。灌录唱片时,百代把两个版本都给了叶枫唱。有恰恰节奏的那首就叫‘我爱你恰恰 ’。



以辈分论,李湄属师姐。叶枫刚从台湾到香港时,有好几年在永华公司都投闲置散,无片可拍,直到1957年才加入电懋,拍了‘四千金’而走红。走红之后,并没有一步登天。跟葛兰拍‘空中小姐’,跟林翠拍‘二八佳人’和‘长腿姐姐’都是第二女角。 ‘桃李争春 ’之前,她也跟李湄合演过 ‘女秘书艳史’。当然,还是居于副车地位。‘桃李争春’叫好叫座,再下来的‘莺歌燕舞’仍然叫她做帮花,她当然有理由拒绝了,因为无论是戏或歌,她都占了较大的比重,而李湄资格虽老,却已呈露日薄西山的疲态,没奈何,只好把‘莺’位让出来,把‘燕’位给了新血。

李湄没演‘莺歌燕舞’,也算是她的造化,因为不论歌或戏,‘莺歌燕舞’都不比‘桃李争春’强。通常,见好加食的作品,都不会好到哪儿去。 ‘四千金’的续集‘兰闺风云’也不如上集好,是同样的情形。公司的制作部门,还没有了解到,一部好的戏必须有一个好的剧本,而一部好的歌舞片必须有一些好听的歌曲。 ‘莺歌燕舞’故事胡闹,是勉强凑出来的桥段。歌也没有一首好听。两位女主角皆已发胖,舞蹈体态不轻盈,尤其是夷光,角色有点傻大姐,使她看起来近乎老天真,很肉麻,因为她当时实际上已处在少妇阶段了。

片中的歌曲还是大部分由姚敏作的,不同的是‘桃李争春 ’差不多每一首都悦耳,具有流行的条件,而 ‘莺歌燕舞’的九首歌,几乎没有一首容易上口,后来灌成唱片的,仅有‘雨中舞’与‘唔女郎’稍为可听,其他的歌曲都无迹可寻。这两首歌由叶枫和姚莉合唱,姚莉唱的是夷光的部分,在戏里好象是由静婷代唱的。




Chris Tan said...

Another great article. I recently found these 2 clips in Youtube and I would like to share them with you. It is from this old movie "血染海棠紅”(1949). I hope you will like them.

Chris Tan said...

I heard that 50年代歌星曾綺萍 sounds like Bai Guang. Have you ever heard her voice? Do you have any comment? Thanks.

Kun said...

Hi Chris,

Chris Tan said...

Hi Mr Kun,

I've never seen a picture of 曾绮萍. Do you have any albums of her that you can scan it to me? According to your memory, has she ever been to Singapore to perform? Have you ever seen her in any movies in the past? Thanks.

Chris Tan

Kun said...

I'm afraid I have neither her album nor her photograph. Her records should be the 78 rpm type. I don't think she was ever in movies. She had a chance to come to perform in Singapore and the then Malaya in 1954 or 1955, but she gave that chance to 静婷 who was struggling to make a name for herself at that time. Thus, 静婷 came with 柔云 and made appearances for a few months before she returned to Hong Kong and became famous. I cannot confirm this, but there seems to be news that 曾绮萍 had recently passed away. I hope the info is not reliable, but if it is, it should be no surprise as she must be well into her 70's now.


Chris Tan said...


I am also a big fan of 柔云 and even when I hear her voice today, it seems not outdated. Generally a high pitch voice gets outdated nowadays. I read that 柔云disappeared in the Hong Kong music scene when she went backt o China. Did you hear that she got married before moving back to China? Was she ever appeared in any movies as a guest star?

I am also curious about the music scene in Singapore in the 50's. When 静婷 and 柔云 came to perform in Singapore in the 50's, which venue (nightclubs) did they perform? I remember there was New World on Jalan Besar and National Theater on Havelock Road at that time. Did you happen to see oerform on stage?

Since it was 1955, I assume that 静婷 wasn't that famous at that tine. It was before the release of the movie "江山美人" (1959).

I also read that Mona Fong and Ku Mei perfomed in Singapore before they became really famous in Hong Kong. I hope you can write a column about Mona Fong, Ku Mei and 柔云. I hope you do not mind all these questions. Thanks in advance.

Kun said...

As far as I can remember,柔云 has not appeared in movies though she has sung many movie songs. When she and 静婷performed in Singapore, I was too young to attend their performances. They must have performed at Majestic Theatre 大华戏院。 National Theatre did not exist then. There's no news of her after she returned to China from Hong Kong.静婷said she lost contact with her. 静婷regarded her as a big sis when they performed together. I shall write something on her when I have the time. 静婷 was very new at that time. She hasn't even made her first record.

Mona Fong and Gu Mei were both singing in Singapore for a long time in the 50's. Mona was on the nightclub circuit for many years. She used to sing English songs. I guess that was the time when she first built her friendship with Mr. Shaw.


seng said...



一路来蛮喜欢葉枫的歌,翻唱白光的歌不提,她原唱的《晚霞》、《歌迷小姐》、《小窗相思》、《心心相印》、《空留回忆》都让我百听再听。较后期,她翻唱周璇那首《两条路上》,形象与演绎方式,我一直觉得 very good ! 应该是远胜华怡保吧?

文中提到夷光,印象中她是有点像‘BOLLYWOOD ’中的印度西施,轮廓很美艳,就是胸脯与下臀过大,在镜头前变成矮胖。《莺歌燕舞》电懋的确下巨资拍片与宣传,所以也对她留印象。


Anonymous said...


Thanks for your response. I did not know that Majestic Theatre 大华戏院 was once a venue for live performance. I only knew it as a movie theater in Chinatown.

So was Gu Mei already famous when she was singing in Singapore in the 50's?

I have sometime to share with you. I am currently residing in San Francisco and I happened to know someone who knows Liang Pin. But he does not live in San Francisco and he plans to come here next Chinese New Year. If I happen to meet Liang Ping next year, I want to ask her about her hey days performing in Singapore as well as 李晶洁. Do you think 李晶洁 is still alive? Thanks for reading my message.

Chris Tan

Kun said...


Very surprised that you're actually living in San Francisco, but you sounded quite at home with Singapore and Malaysia. Gu Mei was indeed just a budding singer when she was making appearances in Singapore and Malaya. She was also in Thailand for some time during those years. Liang Ping settled down in Singapore and was here many years until she left for the States. 李晶洁 has passed away as far as I know. She used to be in the nightclub circuit together with Mona Fong in the 50's.


Anonymous said...


I heard that Liang Ping had immigrated to San Francisco since the 70's. Have you ever watched her on stage?

I left Singapore in 1990 but I did go home for a couple of times and I had a great memory of my childhood days, especially the 60's and 70's.

Do you think I can find those advertisement of those Hong Kong singers performing in Singapore in the 40's and 50's at Majestic Cinema and other nightclubs from the Singapore Chinese Newspaper Archives? It will be interesting to view those articles and advertisements.

I also have another question for you: Do you think that famous singer Yao Li, her brother Yao Min and other famous actresses like Linda Lin Dai, Betty Loh Ti, Li Mei and Lin Chwee (already deceasxed) ever been to Singapore to meet their fans in the 50's and 60's?

I clearly remember seeing Mona Fong and Gu Mei singing together on stage at National Theater in the late 60's. I was a child then but I had a great time watching them singing the medley together.

Thanks for answering my questions.

Chris Tan

Kun said...

I guessed right. You were from Singapore. Glad to talk to a 老同乡
from so far away. I've never had the chance of watching the performance of Liang Ping while she was in Singapore. Yao Li, Jing Ting and Ouyang Fei Ying came to Singapore about 10 years back. Jing Ting came back for some concerts, the last one being in early 2009.She is still standing strong among the older set. Cui Ping was also in town for a concert some 3 or 4 years back. Yao Min had never been to Singapore during his lifetime as far as I know. Li Li Hua appeared in a charity performance when she was living in Singapore. Lin Dai was never in Singapore for any performance or location shooting. Grace Chang and Li Mei were in Singapore for stage appearances with their films, Grace for '曼波女郎 ’and Li Mei for '野火 ’。That was way back in the 50's or 60's. Lin Cui was invited to appear on TV just a couple of years before her death in 1996. That's all that I know. Keep in touch.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for your response.

Yao Min sang a song that I really like: 田園之歌. I also learned that Taiwanese singer 田原 also sang this song with Yao Li several years later. Do you know of other songs sang by 田原?

I have never seen 田原's picture either. Which version do you prefer? Thanks.
