Friday, July 30, 2010


葛兰出了新碟,里头包括四首泰语歌曲,其中最引人注目的是她在[空中小姐] 唱过的[庙院钟声]。这是她的经典之作,一直是我最喜爱的。但这首泰语版一面世,便揭穿了一个事实。原来此曲并非如原先想象的那样,由姚敏创作,只不过是从泰语歌曲搬过来的一首歌。性质有点象[相思河畔]和后来草蜢唱的[失恋阵线联盟]。


白虹原唱的[郎是春日风] 本是李厚襄的作品。五十年代中,又是一部钟情的影片以这首歌为灵感,拍成[郎如春日风]。姚敏拿了过来,原曲保留了两句,其余以同样的风格,谱成新曲。影片中由姚莉代唱,唱片则由南下的吴莺音灌唱,成为鼻腔歌后中期复出的主打歌。两首[春日风]歌曲,都一直流行至今。

姚敏似乎对[春日风] 这个题材深感兴趣,后来在他自资拍摄的[哪个不多情续集]里,也让潘秀琼唱了一首[你是春日风],不过,这是完全另一个旋律,只是因为歌名的相近,凑成[春日风] 三部曲,让人印象深刻。

顾嘉煇也曾自称凌波的黄梅调歌曲[郊道] 是他的作品。根据我的记忆,这个旋律本来自京剧。第一次听到是在[杨门女将] 由演穆桂英的少壮派演员(好象叫杨秋玲吧)唱出。顾嘉煇后来也许在原曲上改头改尾,才把它搬进去凌波,秦萍,李菁主演的[血手印]。但改编应该不多,因为听得出京剧的原版。

顾嘉煇为港制电视剧作过名曲无数。我最欣赏的是关菊英,罗文合唱的[楼台会] 和关菊英,关正杰合唱的[两忘烟水里]。他为乐坛留下来的功勋,是难以抹煞的。



Chris Tan said...


I'm so happy that you started writing again. I still thought you will never write again. I checked on your website every single day! I think my neck is at least a few inches longer waiting for your interesting articles.

I have a couple of questions for you. You mentioned the song [郊道]. Was this Chinese opera (京剧, [杨门女将]) ever made into a movie? Is this an old movie made in Shanghai from the 50's?

Do you know when did 上官流云 passed away? I met him in Singapore when I was a kid. We used to live right below the Artistie Association on Jalan Besar near Balestier Street and sometimes, he happened to hang out there.

What other songs did he compose?

Besides this song, what other songs did 巫美玲 record?

Is [午夜香吻] composed in the 50's or 60's? Thanks for your answer.

I can't wait to read your interesting article again.

Best Regards,
Chris Tan

Kun said...


Thanks for your interest. I saw 杨门女将as a movie sometime in the 50's. Can't confirm whether it's made in Shanghai or Beijing.

上官流云的其他作品有‘新马来情歌’‘印度情歌’‘可怜阿伯大’等,大多数是跟巫美玲合作。‘可怜阿伯大 ’其实就是邓丽君的‘甜蜜蜜’的前身,改编自同一印尼民歌。上官流云的版本一早便面世了,后来才有邓丽君的版本。不同的是,上官流云的歌曲以搞笑为题材,邓丽君则把它唱成抒情曲,加上邓丽君的盛名,因此,歌曲流行度较广。




Chris Tan said...


I believe 邓丽君 recorded ‘甜蜜蜜’in the 80's.

When was this ‘可怜阿伯大’recorded? Was it recorded as a duet by both 上官流云 and 巫美玲?

Auntie Liang Ping in San Francisco told me that she knows 巫美玲 and she is currently in an old age home in Singapore.

Do you think 巫美玲 ever appear on TV in Singapore?

I have NEVER heard of ‘情海’and ‘歌唱二郎山'. Are they composed by 上官流云?

Once again, thanks for your answers.

Chris Tan

Kun said...


[可怜阿伯大] 是50年代末或60年代初的作品。那个年代,巫美玲和舒云都是萤幕上的红人,时常受邀上黑白电视唱歌。[情海]的作者不详,[歌唱二郎山] 则是中国民歌,非上官流云作品。梁萍姐是歌坛前辈,她的消息应该准确。


Chris Tan said...


Wow, I didn't know that '甜蜜蜜’is such an old Indonesian song from the 50's. I did hear the Indonesian version once in an Indonesian restaurant in San Francisco. But it sounds a little different, especially the Chorus part.

Have you ever heard of the Indonesian version? Is it recorded by a male or female Indonesian singer?

I've a little request. Please don't make us wait too long for your next article.

I really enjoy reading your articles and they are like my daily vitamins. Haha! Thanks in advance.

If I happen to go back to Singapore for a visit, I would like to thank you in person.

By the way, have you ever met Liang Ping in Singapore? If you are interested to communicate with her, I have her email address that I can pass to you. But I'm NOT sure whether can she type in Chinese? She and I write to each other in English. You need to teach me how to type in Chinese some day. Haha!!

Best Regards,
Chris Tan

Anonymous said...

